Friday, September 4, 2020
The Extensive Use of Financial Ratios by Both Practitioners and Essay
The Extensive Use of Financial Ratios by Both Practitioners and Researchers - Essay Example One of the significant purposes behind utilizing monetary proportions is to think about various firms in a similar industry paying little mind to the size of the associations. For example, Return on Equity (ROE) can be determined by utilizing two factors; productivity or salary of the association and its value in this manner regardless of whether the size of the organizations contrasts a ton yet at the same time these two firms can be contrasted with one another (Gowthorpe, 2006). Subsequently, money related proportions are useful in controlling various elements while contrasting various organizations working in the business and permitting scientists a stage to think about firms which may have not been conceivable without these proportions. Correspondingly, other than controlling the size of the association, budgetary proportions control different components like innovation and expecting that these elements are uniform inside a similar industry. ... he firm is disregarded, as speculators putting resources into a more dangerous firm might want to request better yield on venture subsequently the firm ought to gain more significant yields so as to draw in speculators Therefore this contemplations or constraints of budgetary proportions have raised worries on significant issues that are overlooked by the monetary proportions however in spite of this reality, money related examiners, analysts and specialists have been consistently utilizing budgetary proportions. Focal points AND APPLICATION OF USING FINANCIAL RATIOS There are a few focal points and uses of utilizing budgetary proportions which are as per the following: ENABLES COMPARISON BETWEEN DIFFERENT FIRMS Financial proportions are useful in permitting examination between various firms and their exhibition and hence the executives of the firm can take choices thinking about its rivals in the business and in general midpoints in the business (Bodie, Kane, and Marcus, 2004) BENCH MARKING TECHNIQUE Because of monetary proportions, organizations can set their presentation targets and measures against the main firms in the business and as they reach skyward, they can improve their general exhibitions (Heaton, 2002). Monetary RATIOS ENABLE ORGANIZATIONS TO EVALUATE FROM THEIR PAST PERFORMANCES Financial proportions permit associations to think about their past exhibitions against their present execution and thusly they can recognize whether they are going the correct way or not (Correia, Flynn, Uliana, and Wormald, 2007). Money related RATIOS ARE HELPFUL IN IDENTIFY DIFFERENT COSTS AND EXPENSES THAT CAN BE REDUCED With the assistance of monetary proportions, the executives can recognize various expenses and costs of the organization that have expanded in the course of the most recent couple of years or expenses and costs in contrast with their rivals and
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Case Studies in Anthropology Essay Example
Contextual investigations in Anthropology Paper In section five of the book â€Å"The Yanamamo: Case Studies in Anthropology†by Napoleon A. Chagnon manages political unions, exchanging and devouring and how it fits into their way of life and practices. Partnerships between towns include easygoing exchanging, common devouring and the trading of ladies. Their capacity exists with the perfect that the more grounded towns should take points of interest of the more fragile towns and this is appeared by taking of the ladies of one town from another. Due to this military danger intervillage union is alluring and towns ought to carry on in a solid manner so exchange coalitions are significant. There are three unmistakable highlights of Yanamano exchanging rehearses. The first is that every thing exchanged must be reimbursed with an alternate sort of thing. Who ever gets the blessing must reimburse his accomplice and this is called no mraiha. Along these lines of giving must be taken care of and is an influence to request a proportional blessing. Second the blessing is typically postponed. The perfect is that one exchange will compel the other and gives individuals from neighboring towns a reason and chance to visit one another. The third is the specialization of the endowments. Every town has at least one particular items to use in exchange. The blowout is a showcase of luxuriousness and is an approach to move the visitors to give a dining experience of equivalent size sometime in the not too distant future and spot. Here and there so much food is offered that the visitor will eat an excessive amount of proceed to regurgitation and afterward come back to eat more. Each dining experience requires another. We will compose a custom paper test on Case Studies in Anthropology explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Case Studies in Anthropology explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Case Studies in Anthropology explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer This is a route for partners to become acquainted with one another during the dry season and throughout the years. Dining experiences are energizing and structure a bond between the towns for quite a long time. Reference: Chagnon, N. A. (1997). The Yanamamo: Case concentrates in human sciences. N. J. : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Potential inquiries for a test: 1. What is the significance of animosity in the Yanamano’s culture? (2-3 page answer) 2. What are the three highlights of exchanging rehearses among the Yanamamo culture? (short exposition) 3. How are Women seen in this culture? (Short article).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
You have been recently appointed as Human Resource Managment (HRM) Essay
You have been as of late named as Human Resource Managment (HRM) Director of an organization which has perceived that it has issue with low workforce inspiration - Essay Example Representative inspiration is prompting or motivating force which might act naturally produced or impacted by outside powers, that energizes fulfillment and innate desire towards progress in execution. Profitability is characterized as â€Å"the productive just as the powerful utilization of assets to accomplish outcomes†(Berman et al, 2005: 309). Profitability relies upon the nature of HR, and their degrees of execution. In contemporary associations, there is expanding accentuation on executing elite work works on, thinking about all parts of hierarchical activities. The reason for this paper is to inspect worker inspiration and its effect on hierarchical efficiency; recommend HRM approaches, in view of important speculations, that can be presented in an organization with an issue of low workforce inspiration and poor workforce profitability, for improving both inspiration and efficiency. To underscore the significance of HR the board in inspiration and resulting efficiency, hypotheses have been planned on the substance and procedure persuasive models by different scholars, for example, â€Å"Abraham Maslow, Frederick Herzberg, Douglas McGregor, Victor Vroom, Lyman Porter, and Edward Lawler†(Petrick and Furr, 1995: 10). Prior, the â€Å"content†speculations endeavored to clarify inspiration at work as far as the occasions, objectives, needs and sparks, and â€Å"process†hypotheses were worried about conduct at work coming about because of employees’ decisions; and how various types of occasions, conditions or results propel conduct. In this way, crafted by the scholars Maslow, Herzberg and others underlined administrative worry for representative fulfillment towards inspiration and improvement in execution and profitability (Lashley, 2001: 192). As indicated by the necessities based hypothesis of the procedure of inspiration, it is started by the cognizant or oblivious acknowledgment of unsatisfied
An Analysis Of The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Politics Essay
An Analysis Of The Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Politics Essay This paper centers around the contention of Nagorno-Karabakh; the beginnings of the contention, its current state and the conceivable future. All through the paper a few key perspectives and hypotheses of International relations are examined, for example, people groups right to self assurance, the idea of country state and compromise. Right off the bat, the significant speculations of International relations are investigated and an endeavor is made to contrast them with the real world and with show their utilization in reality. Also, a chronicled foundation of the contention is portrayed, trailed by a depiction of the contention from 1988 to 1995 and the harmony talks. Thirdly, an investigation of things to come of NK is inspected, calling attention to potential arrangements and types of compromise. In addition, significant inquiries are separately taken a gander at. For more than ten years NK has been on a way of country state building. NK considers itself to be an autonomous republic, even with absence of worldwide acknowledgment. NK has a populace of 141,000 and a territory that covers 11,458.38â km2. (Official site of the President of NK,, got to on March 2, 2011). The guide beneath show the circumstance of NK, they show both the NK Autonomous Oblast and the present NK state limits that incorporate the involved regions of Azerbaijan: As this thesis manages the accepted province of Nagorno-Karabakh, it investigations and investigates International Law concerning people groups right to self assurance and the ensuing acknowledgment of their state. Section 1, Article 1, section 2 of the United Nations Charter made in 1945 states that the point of the UN is to: Grow inviting relations among countries dependent on regard for the guideline of equivalent rights and self-assurance of people groups, and to take other proper measures to fortify general harmony. Article 1, section 1, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 states the accompanying: All people groups have the privilege of self-assurance. By righteousness of that correct they openly decide their political status and uninhibitedly seek after their financial, social and social turn of events. (Joined Nations Charter 1945, accessible at:[accessed March 2 2011]) Besides, the Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-activity Among States as per the Charter of the United Nations of 24th October 1970 announces that: By temperance of the standard of equivalent rights and self-assurance of people groups cherished in the Charter of the United Nations, all people groups have the privilege uninhibitedly to decide, without outside impedance, their political status and to seek after their monetary, social and social turn of events, and each State has the obligation to regard this privilege as per the arrangements of the Charter. (Universal Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, accessible at [accessed walk 2 2011]) The foundation of a sovereign and autonomous State, the free affiliation or reconciliation with a free State or the rise into some other political status uninhibitedly dictated by a people establish methods of executing the privilege of self-assurance by that individuals. (UN General Assembly, Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-activity Among States as per the Charter of the United Nations, 24 October 1970,â available at:â [accessed March 2 2011] ). These legitimate proclamations show the center comprehension and acknowledgment of the worldwide network with respect to people groups right to self assurance. Despite the fact that some center parts of these revelations can be dubious in their down to earth sense, their general message isn't challenged. By considering these and different revelations, the case for the individuals of NK becomes more clear. Directly, the issue lies with the possibility that NK people groups right to self assurance slams into Azerbaijans right to sway, so what is the arrangement? As per Dr. Otto Luchterhandt, the chief of East European Research Department (University of Hamburg): The privilege to self-assurance isn't just a political rule however a standard of existing universal law. The individuals of Nagorny Karabakh are simply the subject of the correct assurance. The individuals of Nagorny Karabakh can guarantee for the most elevated level satisfaction of the law of self-assurance severance from the province of Azerbaijan in light of the fact that from one viewpoint its limitation to the status of a national minority remains in no sensible connection to its real advantages being developed and security, and then again the proportion of its abuse has arrived at such deplorable extents, that staying in the organization of Azerbaijan has gotten unsuitable and it has declared it will for self-assurance in an undeniable and persuading way. (Luchterhandt, Nagorny Karabakhs Right to State Independence According to International Law, Boston, 1993) To utilize global law in a conversation for the situation for NK, explicit confirmation must be appeared. There is additionally the contention that juridical authenticity of fringes and regional respectability neutralizes the self-assurance rule, anyway this can't be considered on account of Azerbaijan SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic). Right off the bat, it must be expressed that NK was a self-sufficient oblast (a managerial unit) inside the Azerbaijan SSR, and that Azerbaijan SSR was not characterized by state fringes, it was characterized by regulatory outskirts, consequently the Helsinki Agreement Final Act in 1975 concerning regional trustworthiness can't be applied. As Francois Mitterrand stated: Why should the inside authoritative fringes of a state be consequently perceived as worldwide ones? (Zargarian,1999). Besides, on the 31st August 19941 the Azerbaijan SSR affirmed the reclamation of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan that had been made from 1918 to 1920. This statement leaves to scrutinize the lawfulness of the current Azerbaijans fringes, including the domains of NK, regions encompassing NK and Nakhijevan, as none of these were a piece of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. Furthermore, it is all around archived that in December 1920, Azerbaijan SSR acknowledged the regions of NK and Nakhijevan as having a place with Armenia. These statements were later modified by Stalin, which at the occasions was Commissar of Nationalities. To additionally examine, the estimation of state power of Azerbaijan ought to be evaluated as lower than the significance of sway of a state in an ordinary circumstance, regarding the arrangement of states in the League of Nations, along these lines it is lower than the NK people groups right to self assurance. (Raschhofer, 1960) This thought offers backing to the national right to self-assurance of NKs individuals in right to severance over Azerbaijans state sway. (Luchterhandt, 1993). To finish up, as the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh was established after a choice on state freedom on tenth December 1991, bringing about a 98% acknowledgment, and in concurrence with universal and Soviet law, it ought to at last be recognized as real under worldwide law. In addition, point of reference of Eritrea can be utilized, which demonstrated that self announcement prompts be under the intensity of universal law. NK relationship with different nations, worldwide associations, and settlements, for example, the Geneva Convention, all give power for self-assurance. HISTORY The name Nagorno-Karabakh has a blend of 3 dialects; Nagorno is in Russian importance sloping, and Karabakh is in Turkic and Farsi significance Black Garden. Be that as it may, the Armenians call it Artsakh, as it was one of the regions of Greater Armenia, and it is referenced as right on time as second century BC: the antiquated areas of Artsakh and Utik, arranged between Lake Sevan, waterway Kara and stream Araxes. (Strabo, first century BC.) During the hundreds of years, NK has been basically populated by ethnic Armenians, anyway there were periods in which during successes other ethnic gatherings would settle, for example, Caucasian Tatars, Caucasian Albanians (no association with Albanians in Balkans), Persians and Turkic clans. The ongoing clash with Azerbaijan has released a chronicled actuality discovering war, where the Azeris lay recorded cases to these grounds, and the Armenians invalidate them. The individuals living in NK call attention to the undeniable proof, for example, several remnants, old landmarks, strict structure, chapels and religious communities. (Tchilingirian,1999). As one rancher said with respect to this: This religious community (Monastery of Gandzasar) kept us Armenian, the works on these dividers made us know what our identity is. There is a khachkar (cross-stone), the size of a vehicle, on this mountain; our progenitors put it there to show this is Armenian land (Martakert, 1995). To survey the historical backdrop of Artsakh another exposition can be composed, accordingly to keep in accordance with this thesis, an audit of later history is made. After 1918, when the Georgians, Armenians and Azeris exploited the disorder of the Russian Revolution to build up free states, war broke out among Armenia and Azerbaijan, anyway by 1921 each of the three republic were under the standard of the Red Army. (Swietochowski, 1985) Initially, the Bolsheviks decided NKs issue: The Chairman of the Azerbaijani Revolutionary Committee (Azrevkom), Narimanov pronounced: The administration of Workers and Peasants of Azerbaijan, having heard the updates on the declaration in Armenia for the sake of the guerilla lower class of the Soviet Socialist Republic, salutes the triumph of the brotherly Armenian individuals. From this day forward, the previous fringes among Armenia and Azerbaijan are suspended. Rocky Karabagh, Zangezur, and Nakhichevan are perceived as essential p
Friday, August 21, 2020
Implications of Migration for Pro-poor Agricultural Growth :: essays research papers
contrasts and so forth all of which impact relocation examples and settlement utilisation. Strategies musttherefore be widened to incorporate progressively subjective procedures and contextual investigations. 2. Coordinate movement and driving into PRSPs, CASs, National Plans At present most key arrangement reports identified with provincial turn of events, horticulture and povertyreduction give next to zero consideration to relocation. These ought to be evaluated where conceivable to coordinate movement and driving concerns. There should be a more prominent acknowledgment of thecontribution of present and future versatility to advancement and destitution decrease. 3. Recognize the conditions which animate the profitable utilization of settlements Examples of gainful venture of settlements ought to be concentrated to get where and how this has happened by focusing on: • Labor accessibility and family unit work assignment choices, how sexual orientation jobs and social components impacts these choices and the effects of work consumption on the family and neighborhood economy• The abilities base of vagrants and how/if this has changed through relocation and whatcontribution that has made to creating/improving horticulture or endeavor in the source village• Existing limitations looked by the poor in key rural markets, for example, credit and work and how settlements are utilized in circums tances of diligent obligation made byinterlocked markets – do settlements help the poor in getting away from thesearrangements?• Availability of key regular assets – water and land are likely the mostimportant. Are settlements put resources into purchasing more land and is this utilized for creation soon, later or never? Does the accessibility of water influence this pattern?The data from such investigations can be utilized to distinguish fitting integral intercessions The undeniable ones are training and wellbeing – for example progressively taught and more beneficial ranchers are morelikely to spend on better homestead information sources and advancements and so on 4. Distinguish areas/circumstances where it would bode well to encourage the development of individuals This would should be chosen a made to order premise, say at the locale level all together toaccommodate area explicit authentic, agro-natural factors too paces of urbanization and agrarian turn of events. The Chinese model is educational in light of the fact that portability is being urged to diminish country neediness and continue the rustic economy.5. Configuration transport administrations to suit poor transients and workers various research extends on transport directed under by ITDG and through the DFID Knowledge and Research (KaR) ventures have noted vehicle requirements, and their effect on rurallivelihoods and administration arrangement are of a high need for the provincial poor.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Official Transcripts COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Official Transcripts COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog In order for an admission file to be complete and forwarded to the Admission Committee for review we do require that official transcripts from any college or university attended be mailed to our office. Even if an applicant only took a few classes at a school, we still need official transcripts. Another way to look at it is this: if the college or university is listed on your résumé or on the application, we need official transcripts. For the majority of schools we work with this means that the college or university seals the transcripts in an envelope for delivery to our office. However we work with schools from all over the world and realize that policies vary. The point is that transcripts mailed to our office (we do not accept electronic delivery) must be authentic and official and this can be defined by schools differently. Examples of ways that schools certify transcripts can include: A heat responsive stamp An embossed school stamp Official stickers or ink stamps placed on the transcripts by a university or authorized official A signature of an authorized official across the sealed flap of the envelope Transcripts do not need to be sent directly to our office but if transcripts are sent to you, please do not open them prior to sending them to our office. There are two circumstances where we can allow for you to open the transcripts and both involve third party translation or authorization. Some schools will only provide one official transcript to a graduate. In this case we recommend that you hold on to the official copy since we do not return documents submitted to our office. If your school will only release one copy, take the official copy to a notary public and have them copy the transcripts, authenticate the copy, and seal the copy in an envelope for delivery to our office. Contact information for the official who copied the transcripts should be included in the envelope. The same would apply for transcripts that need to be translated into English. If your transcripts are not in English, deliver them to an authorized official for translation and have the translated copy certified and sealed for delivery to our office. A common organization we recommend for transcript translation is World Education Services. If you participated in an official exchange program and this is noted on the transcripts of your home school, we do not need official transcripts from the exchange school. However, if there is no official relationship between the home school and exchange school, we need copies from both schools. The reason for this is that each school may use different codes and grading systems. These codes and grading systems are typically explained on the reverse side of the transcripts. Finally, if your school does not use a 4.0 grading scale and you are wondering what to put on your admission application, you may input a GPA of 0.0. The GPA listed on the application is self reported and does not influence your evaluation. Indicating a score of 0.0 will alert the Committee to pay attention to the scale used by the schools you have attended.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
The ontological argument for the existence of God - Free Essay Example
The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God The ontological argument is an a priori argument. The arguments attempt to prove Gods existence from the meaning of the word God. The ontological argument was introduced by Anselm of Canterbury in his book Proslogion. Anselms classical argument was based on two principals and the two most involved in this is St Anselm of Canterbury as previously mentioned and Rene Descartes. The ontological argument argues that if you understand what it means to talk about God, you will see His existence is necessarily true. Anselm defined God as that than which nothing greater can be conceived, hence God must exist. Anselm also believed that evenIf He did not exist, then you could still think of an even greater being (one just like God that you said did not exist, except this one would exist). Existence must be one of Gods attributes because to remove it, you would still be able to fathom a greater God (one which does exist). The problem most have with this argument is that it seems to simply list existence among Gods attributes, rather than show it. The argument appears to say whatever you can imagine should be true in reality. Descartes claimed God exists is true, if we know what it means to talk of God. Similarly, he maintained that once we know what a triangle is we know that it must have three sides. Like a triangle inherently must have three sides, so God inherently must exist. Objections to the ontological argument were first brought up by a monk who was a contemporary of Anselm named Gaunilo. He said that according to Anselms line of reasoning, if he envisioned an island that is beautiful and sparkling and completely perfect, then it must exist. For an island that does exist would be more perfect than one that does not exist. Gaunilo said that we cannot simply define things into existence. We cannot show an island or God exists simply by analyzing that idea. The Ontological Argument, the Greek word ontology relating to being, for the existence of God uses A Priori logic and reason, based on premises that are not drawn from or dependent upon experience, to state that God must exist because he is the greatest possible being we can conceive. The Ontological Argument is also deduct ive and analytic as the premises of a deductive argument contain the conclusion that it reaches and is structured so that its conclusion is the only possible one that could be deduced from its premises. As it is analytic it is true by definition alone and therefore this argument reaches conclusions about the existence of God based on the definitions of God used in its previous premises. The basis of the ontological argument was first proposed by Anselm and later interpreted by many other philosophers such as Renà © Descartes and Norman Malcolm; however each argument only differed because each started with a different concept of God. The Ontological Argument has faced many critics that challenge the argument for not proving the existence of God and each critic highlights the flaws within this argument explaining that these flaws lead to impossible conclusions. Anselm, an Archbishop, was the first to propose the Ontological argument which was included in the second and third chapters of his book proslogion, a book written as a prayer and/or meditation to reflect on the attributes of God and not originally to prove the existence of a God. Anselm has 2 main arguments, his first defining god as that than which no greater can be conceive. By this Anselm suggests that the greatest possible being must have an existence in reality as a being that exists in reality is greate r than a being that exists in the mind, and surely that-than-which-no-greater-can-be-thought cannot exist in the mind alone. For if it exists solely in the mind, it can be thought to exist in reality also, which is greater. If a being only exists in our mind then a greater being that exists in both our mind and reality can be conceived, therefore the being that than which no greater can be conceived must exist and Anselm concludes that this being is God. Anselms second argument claims that God is eternal, unlimited, by or in time and therefore has necessary existence and is a necessary being. Anselm argues that it is better to be a necessary being than a contingent being, a being that depends on other things for its existence i.e. having a cause/end because this would ultimately limit your power. He explains that God must be a necessary being because if God exists as a contingent being we could imagine greater, therefore God would not be that than which no greater can be conceived. A being which cannot be conceived not to exist must be greater than one that can be conceived not to exist. Anselm then explai ns it would be a self contradiction to claim God does not exist because he is that than which no greater can be conceived and therefore there must be a being that so truly exists it cannot even be conceived not to exist, this form or argument being called reductio ad absurdum. Reductio ad absurdum is a method of reasoning used by Anselm in the Proslogion which aims to demonstrate the truth of something by reducing to absurdity the opposite of what is being proved, Anselm uses this method to reduce to absurdity the opposite of his conclusion, this being that God does not exist. He aims to show this is absurd by means of an argument which shows that the existence of God is logically necessary, and he cannot not exist. Renà © Descartes composed many different Ontological arguments developing them from Anselms original argument. Descartes puts forward the first premise that God is a supremely perfect being and has all perfections, his second premise is then existence is perfection and finally he concludes that God is a supremely perfect being and therefore must exist. This means that Descartes believes God to be a supremely perfect being holding all the perfections and explains if the notion of God did not include existence it would not be supremely perfect a s it would be lacking a perfection and therefore he argues that this would be unintelligible and according to his nature God must exist. Descartes argues that Gods existence can be deduced from his nature, as can geometric ideas can be deduced from shapes and he uses the example of a triangle to support this. The example of the triangle is to show that Descartes believes you cannot deny the existence of God any more than you can the angles of a triangle equalling two right angles as it is an analytic statement. A statement is analytically true if the clauses or predicates within the statement say something necessarily true of all instances of the subject and Descartes maintained existence belonged analytically to God as three angles were analytically predicated of a triangle. The Ontological argument also faces many criticisms by different philosophers for not proving the existence of God. Gaunilo was one of the first philosophers to criticize Anselms theory using his island theory. Gaunilo asked people to conceive an island more excellent than any other island and he suggest that this island according to Anselms proof must necessarily exist because an island which exists in reality would be much greater than one purely in our minds. Although Gaunilos argument does not directly highlight a flaw it does however show the same logic of Anselms argument can be applied to other non-accepted arguments. Anselm responded to this by explaining that only arguments of necessary existence can be applie d to the that than which no greater can be conceived theory and the island theory is a contingent object and therefore can always be improved therefore never reaching a state of perfection. Anselm then dismissed any criticisms that did not relate to a necessary existence. Gaunilo went on to further criticize Anselms argument by putting forward the concept that the notion of God cannot be conceived, he goes onto explain that atheists would not accept that God can be fully understood or grasped and therefore humans cannot fully conceive God. Thomas Aquinas also had this criticism suggesting that people do not know the nature of God and therefore cannot conceive, Aquinas adds the ontological argument would only be useful to someone who understands the essence of God and he does not believe any human is capable of such great understanding. Kants main criticism against the Ontological argument is that he, unlike Anselm and Descartes, does not see existence as a real predicate, Being is obviously not a real predicate. He explains that existing is no perfection, like Descartes has previously stated, because it cannot be listed in a description of anything and explains it cannot be a real predicate because existence does not add to the essence of a being. Kant questions the concept of a necessary being, he considers the example given by Descartes using the necessary proposition of a triangle having 3 angles and rejects the transfer of this logic used on the existence of God, He argues that such necessary propositions are only true if such being exists. Kant also proposes that the statement God exists must either be an analytic or synthetic statement explaining the predicate must either be inside or outside the statement. He argues that for the statement to be analytical like the argument takes it to be it can only be true because of the meaning given to the words, however if the statement is synthetic the argument would not work because the existence of God is not contained in the definition of God. David Hume also went on to criticize Anselms argument by arguing the argument was a failure because it made false assumptions about existence by saying existence was a logical concept. Hume argued existence could only ever be contingent and all statements about existence could be denied easily without contradiction. He also criticized the argument stating that humans have no clear experience of Gods existence and therefore cannot conclude Gods existence through conceiving. In my own opinion I dont believe the Ontological argument proves the existence of God. Atheists looking at this argument would struggle to understand how this proves Gods existence because a lot of Anselm and Descartes argument relies o n the assumption that God exists, and an atheist would not have this believe. The ontological argument is also an A priori argument using no evidence for concrete support and therefore relying on logic alone, this contributes to the difficulty of atheists understand how it could be true because they do not have the assumption about a God. The argument proposes the existence is entailed in the concept of God but many people argue that conceiving God is not possible and therefore his existence to cannot be possible. God exists is argued to be an analytical statement because its predicate is contained within the subject, however critics argue that being and existence is not a real predicate and therefore this statement could be a synthetic statement relying on empirical evidence for Gods existence, this relies on there being empirical evidence for the existence of God which many people including me believe that there isnt. I do not believe the Ontological argument provides the information for an atheist to understand or believe that God exists. Overall the Ontological Argument for the existence of God is both supported and criticised by many philosophers. That than which no greater can be conceived is a statement that is interpreted different by many different philosophers and many different people. Many people believe t his shows that God is a supremely perfect being and must exist whilst others will fail to understand how God can be conceived by humans because they cannot comprehend a being like God and how this would evidently lead to his existence. I believe that it isnt possible to prove the existence of God from the concept of God alone because I fail to see how something so advanced can be conceived by humans without any experience of God. The ontological argument provides different theories for the existence of God each with their strengths and weaknesses however to conclude I do not believe that the Ontological argument would convince an Atheist to believe in the existence of God because that than which no greater can be conceived may be true for some believes it is not necessarily true for others. Only if true premises lead to valid conclusions can a deductive argument be said to have fully succeeded, this cannot be said of the Ontological argument as it has flaws and many argue its premises do not lead to its conclusions. For example Anselms second predicate fails to meet the conclusion that God exists.I therefore believe that the criticisms overpower the arguments explained in the Ontological Argument for the existence of God.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Hellenistic Period Essay example - 1157 Words
The death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC marks the beginning of the Hellenistic Period and covers 300 years to the invasion of Egypt by the Romans. The word Hellenic refers only to the Greeks, but the term Hellenistic refers to `the Greek-influenced societies that arose in the wake of Alexanders conquest (Sacks, 105). The Hellenistic world extended from Greece all the way to Afghanistan and resulted in the beginning of the mass spreading of Greek culture. Its central characteristics were the mass empires created by Alexander and his successors, the mingling of Greek and other cultures and the diffusion of religions The conquests of Alexander the Great Alexander won a reputation for military genius when he became king of†¦show more content†¦Antigonus ruled over Asia minor, Macedonia and Thrace and in 306 BC he declared himself king of the Macedonians The Seleucids moved to control and reform the pre-existing Persian bureaucracy, installing Greek officials and switching from clay tablets to parchment and from cuneiform to Greek or Aramaic (Stewart, 2004).. Antigonos attempts to take control of the whole of Alexanders empire led to his death. His son, Demetrius managed to regain control of Macedon a few yeas later but lost his throne and died in prison. Ptolemaic dynasty Ptolemy 1 Soter proclaimed himself king of the Ptolemy kingdom of Egypt in 305 BC. He was a man of great culture and learning and under his leadership his capital Alexandria became and important cultural center and its museum was the first known and its library was the largest in the ancient world (Arcadia, 2004). He was also the author of a lost history of Alexanders campaign. The dynastic history is confusing because all the male rulers took the name Ptolemy and many married their sisters who were often called Cleopatra. Seleucid dynasty Seleucus 1 was made Satrap of Babylonia where he later declared himself king. His kingdom stretched from eastern Anatolia and Syria into what is now Pakistan. He met with much opposition because there were many different ethnic groups. They were accustomed to being ruled by local rulers and so did not adjust very well to being ruledShow MoreRelatedThe Between Classical And Classical Period And Hellenistic Period Essay1344 Words  | 6 PagesAs the Hellenistic society shifted away from the Classical ideals of perfectionism and idolization of the elites and gods in sculpture, artists began to be fixated on illustrating imperfection of a variety of individuals faced with ruthless authenticity of their emotional struggles. Whereas, Classical architecture focused on dedicating massive structures to the gods to emphasize their divinity, but Hellenistic architecture used advanced technology to exemplify Alexander the Great’s magnificence.Read MoreSimilarities And Differences Betw een Ancient And Hellenistic Period And The Piombino Apollo1296 Words  | 6 Pagesscholars to distinguish this statue as Hellenistic rather than Archaic. The modelling of the back is one of the biggest alterations that occurs between actual kouros from the archaic period and the Piombino Apollo. The back of the statue is much more artistically advanced than the front regarding modelling (Ridgway 1967: 48). The subtle modelling of the muscular structures and ridges of the spine of the back suggest the desired realism of the Hellenistic era, instead of the basic and ridged ‘idealized’Read MoreThe Classical And Hellenistic Period1098 Words  | 5 PagesClassical and Hellenistic periods. The Classical period took place from 500-323 BC. It is the period between Persian wars and ends with the death of Alexander the Great (History). Classical sculptures are known for being less detailed more stagnant. The Hellenistic period begins when the Classical period ends, in 3 23 BC. This period ends in 31 BC â€Å"with the conquest of the last Hellenistic kingdom by Rome†(Simonin). Hellenistic sculptures are known for being more realistic and active. Both periods of sculptureRead MoreThe Period Of Ancient Greece1010 Words  | 5 PagesThe Hellenistic Age was a period of ancient Greece lasting between 323 B.C after the death of Alexander the Great and 30 B.C the beginning of the Roman Empire. Alexander was determined to conquer unknown lands and his expedition provided a bridge between city-states and the Greek Hellenistic World. The Hellenistic World is what resulted from the disintegrated empire that came short after Alexanders death. Four major Hellenistic kingdoms emerged from the successors of Alexander. The Greeks and easternersRead MoreAnalysis Of Rolf Strootman, Courts And Elites In The Hellenistic Empires1661 Words  | 7 PagesIn Rolf Strootmans, Courts and Elites in the Hellenistic Empires, he discusses the Kingdoms of the Helleni stic era, there courts, how kingdoms were developed, the importance of military might, emphasis of the king as a war hero, king viewed as a liberator of cities and the development of diplomatic relations with the cities that are being governed by the kings.1 Strootman looks at three kingdoms to explain how the kingdoms in this empire function, they are the Ptolemies, Antigonids, and the SeleukidsRead MoreGreece : The Real Golden Age Of Greece2007 Words  | 9 PagesWhy the Hellenistic period in Greece was the real golden age of Greece: There are many aspects that contribute to a classification of a golden age because of this, in this essay I want to focus on three aspects that can be analysed to discover whether the Hellenistic period of Greek history can be classified as a golden age. These three aspects I will be looking at are science, literature, and art since each form were influential and contributed to society. During the Hellenistic age, science, inRead MoreAcient and Medieval Western Civilization766 Words  | 3 Pagesprospects for the Macedonians and the Greeks. In the last twelve years they had fulfilled wonderful victories that brought under their influence more than ten times the domain Alexander had started with in Greece. It was to be the start of the Hellenistic Age, a period of one of a kind social and political advancements, that achieved an amalgamation of old and new. After Phillip of Macedon died the next successor to the throne was his son Alexander III of Macedon. At the point when Alexander went to theRead MoreEssay on The Age of Alexander1793 Words  | 8 Pagestrue, the breakup of Alexanders brief empire, but the establishment of Macedonian dynasties in Egypt, Syria, and Persia (the Ptolemies and the Seleucidae) helped to mold the world of that day into a wider unity of trade and learning. The Hellenistic period was an international, cosmopolitan age. Commercial contacts were widespread and peoples of many ethnic and religious backgrounds merged in populous urban centers. Advances were made in various fields of scientific inquiry, including engineeringRead MoreEssay on Women in Egypt3006 Words  | 13 Pages Women in the Hellenistic world Women in the Hellenistic World Women’s lives were improved and expanded in the Hellenistic age more so than at any other time prior Greek history. Papyri from Egypt and Coele-Syria have led to the discovery of documents on marriage contracts, inscriptions of philanthropy, and the daily lives of the women in that period. The Hellenistic woman changed in many ways. She became more educated, more cultured, and she received domestic freedom and her new legal and occupationalRead MoreConstributions of Greek Culture531 Words  | 2 PagesKings of the Hellenistic era built temples, staffed with priest, for old gods. This way they spread Greek religious beliefs throughout the Near East. This broadened peoples span of knowledge of religions, science and philosophy and shaped the world. When people got tired of it and found rituals unsatisfying, they turned to mystery religions. Civic religions were primarily concerned with rituals and did not embrace such matters as morality and redemption. People did not inspire deep religious feelings
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Controversial Issue Of Abortion Essay - 1261 Words
Demographic of Abortion Introduction In the 40 years since passing of the legislation by Roe v. Wade that gave women a choice to have abortion, a lot has changed. There has been a great deliberation on the topic of abortion. This includes issues surrounding problems of having abortions to the likely advantages of abortion. Legally induced abortion is defined as an operation or procedure which is performed by a licensed professional or physician with an intention of terminating a known or suspected intrauterine pregnancy in order to produce a non-viable fetus. This can be done at any time of the gestational age. Over the past few years, there have been significant changes and alterations in the demographic composition of both young and elderly women who procure abortions. Theorists have come in to try and determine the factors that may cause the change in demographics. These includes such factors as religious shifts, shifts in perspectives on teen pregnancy or changes in the views of people regarding abortion. This paper will discuss the current literature regarding the controversial issue of abortion as well as review the views of women in regards to abortion, their decisions to either raise a baby or seek abortion services and the demographic representation of the women who seek abortion services. Literature Review Abortion is an issue where the law, emotions and moral principles are questioned. There are various points of view when it comes to the issue of abortion, butShow MoreRelatedThe Controversial Issue Of Abortion878 Words  | 4 Pagesrecent discussions of abortion, the controversial issue has become whether or not women should be given the right to take their unborn child’s life away. Many believe in all having the right to live while others believe in the right to be given a choice. Women do not want to be given restrictions, they want to be able to have a voice when making decisions. With abortion women have a hard time making their decision based upon the judgement others make if the decision of abortion is followed throughRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Issue1256 Words  | 6 PagesAbortion is a very controversial issue. To first start out abortion is the deliberate termination of a woman’s pregnancy, most often performed within the first 22 weeks of pregnan cy. People can either be pro-choice or pro-life for abortion. Being pro-choice means that people believe that it is a woman’s choice to get an abortion if they want one. Pro-life means people believe no matter what if a woman is pregnant they should have the baby; no abortion. I intent to explain why women who get pregnantRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Issue Of Abortion Essay2668 Words  | 11 PagesAbortion is terminating a pregnancy before the fetus has been born. Abortion has been and still is very controversial and has had an increasing amount of cases all over the world. In 2000 there were over one million abortions in the United States (Harper, et al., 501). Abortion is one of the most common procedures women undergo. According to the current abortion rates about thirty percent of women will have an abortion by the age of forty-five (Jones and Kavanaugh, 2011). Most abortions are attributedRead MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Abortion1555 Words  | 7 Pagesto pic of abortion in the United States has been and remains one of the most controversial issues in western culture and politics. An abortion can be defined as the expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it can survive on its own. This comprises two major forms of abortion: spontaneous, which is often referred to as a miscarriage or induced abortion, which is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. The term is commonly used to refer to the induced abortion, and this is the abortion, which hasRead MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Abortion865 Words  | 4 Pages Today, people have the right to voice their thoughts regarding a topic, rather they’re different or alike, creating a new philosophy about it, or supporting the traditional belief. In regards to the topic, Abortion has been a subject of controversial matters. Some believing they have the right to do such an act while others would absolutely disagree. Before supporting such an act or not, we typically take into consideration the goods and bads of the action first. While taking a life might be oneRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Issue911 Words  | 4 PagesAbortion is a controversial issue in many countries all the time and there are always two sides of abortion. Pro-life supporters believe that abortion is immoral, so they argue that it should be illegal because an unborn baby is life. However, they do not figure out that woman who is on the inevitable situation such as infection, rape, or extreme poverty would still have the abortion even though the abortion is illegal. Many women die due to unsafe abortion, which is illegal and performed by uneducatedRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Issue843 Words  | 4 PagesAbortion Abortion has been a very controversial issue in the United States for the past several decades. Many people think that is it morally wrong. To say that something is morally wrong is an opinion. Since everyone’s opinions are different on this topic there have been many court cases and protests against abortion. However there are a lot of people out there that believe that abortion is a rightful decision. My personal opinion on the abortion controversy is that every woman should have theRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Issue989 Words  | 4 Pagesaverage total of abortions performed annually in America ( Abortion is a very controversial issue in the United States and all across the globe. First, I will discuss the different types of abortion. Next, I will explain when the abortions are performed. Then, I will share some of the laws regarding abortion in the United States. Finally, I will express my views on abortion. Abortion should be illegal in all states. First, I will discuss the various types of abortion. There are threeRead MoreAbortion: a Controversial Issue1159 Words  | 5 PagesAbortion: A Controversial Issue One of the major controversial issues confronting the society today is abortion. I choose abortion as the topic of discussion since it contradicts my values and beliefs. Abortion is the extraction of the human fetus from the mothers womb with an intention to end the life of that fetus prior to its natural birth. The controversy surrounding abortion is whether it should be legalized or not? In my opinion, abortion is morally and ethically wrong because it leadsRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Issue882 Words  | 4 Pagesconsider abortion as a rightful act, and abortion is a name of destroying human life. Now a days our society faces several types of issues Abortion is one of the complicated issue for both ways health and society that’s why abortion become a very controversial issue that’s become debatable in politics. In addition, these researches will describe the different issues of abortion, such as, legal laws on abortion, restriction of abortions, rate of ab ortion and consequences of the abortion. Abortion is
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Economy - 1064 Words
Unit 2 Assignment Sonda Vaszlavik Kaplan University Online Prof. P. Tovbin August 12, 2013 Unit 2 Assignment Questions: 1. A representative of the American clothing industry recently made the following statement: â€Å"Workers in Asia often work in sweatshop conditions earning only pennies an hour. American workers are more productive and as a result earn higher wages. In order to preserve the dignity of the American workplace, the government should enact legislation banning imports of low-wage Asian clothing.†Answer the following: a. Which parts of this quote are positive statements? Which parts are normative statements? The parts of the quote that are positive statements: Workers in Asia often work in sweatshop†¦show more content†¦Asian taxes would rise to offset the lost revenue of monies from the factories that have shut down. 3. Atlantis is a small, isolated island in the South Atlantic. The inhabitants grow potatoes and catch fresh fish. The accompanying table shows the maximum annual output combinations of potatoes and fish that can be produced. Obviously, given their limited resources and available technology, as they use more of their resources for potato production, there are fewer resources available for catching fish. Maximum annual output options Quantity of potatoes Quantity of fish (pounds) (pounds) A 1,000 0 B 800 300 C 600 500 D 400 600 E 200 650 F 0 675 a. Examine the Maximum annual output options table above and the resulting Production Possibility Frontier Graph below and answer parts b - f. Production Possibility Frontier Graph b. Can Atlantis produce 500 pounds of fish and 800 pounds of potatoes? Explain. No. Atlantis cannot produce 500 pounds of fish and 800 pounds of potatoes because technology and resource constraint, we can only do it if we are allowed to change our resources. c. What is the opportunity cost of increasing the annual output of potatoes from 600 to 800 pounds? The opportunity cost of increasing the annual output of potatoes from 600 to 800 pounds isShow MoreRelatedU.s. Economy s Economy1330 Words  | 6 PagesU.S. ECONOMY U.S. ECONOMY CRISIS Sheryle Leonard Colorado Christian University 2 U.S. ECONOMY Abstract The state of the U.S. economy has an impact on every American. There has been economic depression in this country since the collapse of the housing market in 2007, that has seen widespread unemployment and home foreclosure combined with conservative consumer spending. Research conducted through financial new websites, government reports and survey provided information on where the economy standsRead MoreCanada s Economy And The Economy1026 Words  | 5 PagesCanada’s economy is currently growing and statistics show the economy is expected to continue to grow in the following years. In addition, consumer spending has increased and the housing market conditions have improved. The demand for oil and energy is at an all-time high and the demand is expected to increase through 2017. However, expanded a business into a new market also comes with high risks and potential losses. Major corporations such as Target have tried to enter the Canadian market, butRead MoreThe Asian Economy1443 Words  | 6 PagesThe Asian economy is consisting with exceed the 4.2 billion people in 46 different states. Six other states are partly to Asia, but are considered to belong to another region economically and politically. Asia is the fastest growing economy in the region and the continents largest economy by Gross Domestic Product and purchasing power parity in the world. China is the largest economy in Asia and the second largest economy in the world. Besides, Asia is the site of some of the world’s longest economicRead MoreEconomy of Pakistan1686 Words  | 7 Pagesfactors that are disturbing Pakistan’s Economy: †¢ Poverty †¢ Illiteracy †¢ Corruption Political Instability †¢ Over Population, Unemployment Inflation †¢ International Interference †¢ Terrorism/Extremism †¢ And The Recent Floods ECONOMY HISTORY OF PAKISTAN First five decades When it gained independence in 1947 from UK. Pakistans average economic growth rate since independence has been higher than the average growth rate of the world economy during the period. Average annualRead MoreEconomy of Singapore 1077 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction In this essay we look in-depth on how government strategies and economic policy play a crucial role in the success of High Performance Asian Economies (HPAEs) during 1960 to 1990 (World Bank 1993).There are eight countries within HPAEs: South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan. Its economic development has significantly rise that it was name ‘East Asia Miracle’ (World Bank, 1993). Out of the eight country, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and SouthRead MoreTransition Of An Economy From A Command Economy2200 Words  | 9 Pagestransition of an economy from a command economy to a market oriented/capitalistic economy is a dynamic and difficult process that involves several stages of transformation. Transitioning countries experience different transition stages based on their political and socio-economic background. If we discuss about these economies, we understand that the term â€Å"economies in transition†refers not only to countries that may be emerging from a socialist-type command economy towards a market-based economy but alsoRead MoreEconomy of China625 Words  | 3 Pagesgrade. Nowadays, China become the second-largest economy at the global stage because of the fastest and perpetuated development in standard of living has made in a state with exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the globe’s population. However, China’s economic trans formation is said has no historical law in the angle of steps and scale (Xiaodong, 2012, p. 103). What we want to focus now is the influence of China over Southeast Asia from the aspect of economy and what the foreign policies that involved betweenRead MoreThe Economy Of A Country2852 Words  | 12 Pageshave heard of the economy of a country being either weak or strong. We see trending news on social media about the economy of a given country as either strengthening or weakening. The US is known to be the country with the biggest economy while small economies are associated with most African countries and developing world. What is economy all about and what contributes to its strengthening or weakening? How much does the political system of a country contribute to the economy of that country? HowRead MoreChina Economy7357 Words  | 30 Pagesan average annual rate of nearly 10%. From 1980 to 2011, real GDP grew 19-fold in real terms, real per capita GDP increased 14-fold, and an estimated 500 million people were raised out of extreme poverty. China is now the worldâ€℠¢s second-largest economy and some analysts predict it could become the largest within a few years. Yet, on a per capita basis, China remains a relatively poor country. China’s economic rise has led to a substantial increase in U.S.-China economic ties. According to U.SRead MoreMoldova’s Economy2138 Words  | 9 Pagesof countries in central Europe that is in the process of transitioning economy from a planned to a market economy. Over the years, Moldova has adopted free market policies that are believed to lead the country on a path of economic growth and freedom. Transition economists agree to a number of things involved in the transition process, that countries in this category must embark on, to ensure full transition to a market economy. This process calls forth a drastic restructuring of institutions. As
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Conflict Between Personal Experience And The Wider...
Homelessness has been a common and natural feature of a city throughout the world. While the public perceptions of these â€Å"undesirables†are lazy, dangerous, and ignorant, it is not solely their fault and choice to be on the streets. Sociological imagination, as coined and defined by C. Wright Mills, is â€Å"the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society†. Simply put, it is the ability to interpret situations and circumstances in terms of social context and understand how they interact and influence each other. Different paradigms of sociology exist to explain the ongoing social issues and their factors, and offer solutions for a more evolved society. Contrary to popular association of homelessness with drugs, alcohol, violence and crime, it is not always an outcome of laziness or wrong choice. Many inevitable factors exist at a microscopic level for each street person who was pushed (forced) onto the streets. According to the article, â€Å"Street People†by David. A Snow and Leon Anderson, factors that lead homelessness to private trouble include â€Å"lacking the money to enter even the low-income housing market, having limited education, few job skills, a dearth of social support off the streets, and in many cases problems with alcohol or drugs†. Other factors that account for the remaining portion are mental illness, domestic violence, and divorce. Obviously, these circumstances are beyond one’s control and street people are not the onlyShow MoreRelatedSociological Imagination, Social Construction Of Reality And Socialization902 Words  | 4 Pagesthe connection between their own experience of reality and the experiences of society as a whole. This realization allows people to make sense of the world around them. When one applies sociological imagination, they are stripping their own personal experiences from their thoughts to analyze the social world around them. It allo ws one to understand different perspectives of the world without the narrow lens of personal experience and bias. This is extremely important in modern society. For instanceRead MoreSocial Change Essay1505 Words  | 7 Pageschanges, cultural processes (invention, discovery, and diffusion), social conflict, ideas, and demographic patterns. Along with social change, modernity has allowed our society to change. Modern societies are different from traditional societies and by looking at the theories of Tà ¶nnies, Durkheim, Weber, and Marx. we see some defining traits of modernity. Without social change our society would stagnate. Social change allows our society to grow. There are three important sources that help propel culturalRead MoreThe Structural Functional Theory Of Social Class849 Words  | 4 PagesQuestion 1 â€Å"Unlike the structural functional theory, which views society as a peaceful unit, conflict theory interprets society as a struggle for power between groups engaging in conflict for limited resources. Karl Marx is the founder of conflict theory†. The social class most likely to implement or adopt the use of conflict theory are the capital class. As stated in class the social class has a minority called the â€Å"Bilderberg Group†; they hold incredible influence over government policies, RepresentRead MoreSociology : A Very Good Understanding Of Sociology955 Words  | 4 Pagessocial structures. Sociologists dedicate their lives to studying the nuances of society and culture and their relationship to everything else. They attempt to understand how what is done effects everyone on a personal and societal level. They investigate things from the personal level, to the societal, and even global levels. Sociology contains three main perspectives, symbolic interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory. Symbolic interactionism is more of a micro concept, while the other twoRead MoreThe Sociological Perspective Or Imagination, Cite Its Components, And Explain How They Were Defined By C.974 Words  | 4 Pagesdefined by C. Wright Mills. The sociological Taboo (or imagination) is defined as a way of thinking that help us use external information and experience to form theories about the social pattern around us. We collect data and from that information, we make judgments and predictions. These require going beyond one’s point of view. People s life and experiences are different. Therefore, it is important to take into consideration their reasoning and thoughts to be able to understand why they act theRead MoreSociology Imagination833 Words  | 4 PagesSociologists differ in their understanding of the concept, but the range suggests several important commonalities. Mills defined sociological imagination as the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society. The sociological imagination is the capacity to shift from one perspective to another: from the political to the psychological; from examination of a single family to comparative assessment of the national budgets of the world; from the theological schoolRead MoreEssay On Domestic Violence871 Words  | 4 PagesDomestic Violence Essay Domestic violence refers to violence, abuse and intimidation between people who are or have been in an intimate relationship. The perpetrator uses violence to control and dominate the other person. This causes fear, physical harm and/or psychological harm. Domestic violence is a violation of human rights, (the White Ribbon Australia). The domestic violence abuse includes sexual, verbal, physical, emotional, financial and psychological abuse. This essay will focus on the sociologicalRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Hunchback Of Notre Dame 950 Words  | 4 Pagesthemselves. However, the complex nature of belonging presents further obstacles to connecting to one’s environment. This is illustrated through Peter Skrzynecki’s ‘Immigrant Chronicles’, in which he depicts the complications of belonging through his personal experiences. In addition, Victor Hugo’s ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ also represents the intricacy of connecting to oth ers through the protagonist, Quasimodo. Essentually, both texts explore the impact of a relationship, or lack thereof, on self-identityRead MoreMid Term Break By Seamus Heaney1598 Words  | 7 PagesSeamus Heaney is a poet born in Northern Ireland, County Derry, in 1939. His birth thus aligned with the beginnings of the second world war and he was exposed to conflict and sectarian violence, division between Catholics and Protestants, from a young age. Themes of nationalism, patriotism and British imperialism are often featured in his works. This is the case in Requiem for the Croppies, a poem published on the 50th anniversary of the Easter uprising of 1916 which alludes to the 1798 Vinegar HillRead MoreA Study Of Human Social Relationships And Organisations Essay1691 Words  | 7 Pagesand Gintis( 1976)†stated schools are agents for socialistation but only because it helps produce the right kind of workers for a capitalist business(p.147). This would appear to suggest that according to both social theorists there is a connection between education and social inequilty. The educational system helps ypung people to prepare for the ecomnice system. The structure of the education system helps them with displaine and to prepare them to enter the workforce. As regards to my CA brief I will
Phl 458 Week 4 Individual Assignment Famous Thinkers Paper Free Essays
Twentieth Century Thinkers PHL/458 Twentieth Century Thinkers The Twentieth Century, the year 1901, proved to be a time of change, brilliance, dedication, and new-found technology (2011). From quill pens to ink pens, horse-drawn carriages to gas powered engines, slavery and segregation of Blacks and Whites to the Civil Rights movement, and from handwriting on tablets to storing important information in a computer; the Twentieth Century made a tremendous amount of positive contributions to society. The contributions made in the Twentieth Century are often over-looked and taken for granted. We will write a custom essay sample on Phl 458 Week 4 Individual Assignment Famous Thinkers Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Americans in particular have become somewhat spoiled with that is â€Å"just there. †What is forgotten and should often is; without the integrity and dedication within the creative minds of the Twentieth Century, the United States would be living as if it were still 1901 rather than 2012. Many individuals are responsible for the growth of this time. Two of the most influential, though each had a separate aspiration, are Martin Luther King and Bill Gates. Both men contributed a significant amount, and have gone down in history as individuals who changed the way the world worked personally, socially, and politically. Martin Luther King was one of the most influential civil rights activists and speakers of recent time. According to a Newsday article, King’s mission was to lead the world into a more accepting place with not only the Black American population but also other minority groups. The article also referred to King as, â€Å"Honored most for his heroic civil rights activism in the United States†as well as â€Å"a prophet of peace and justice in a world torn by war in Vietnam†(1992). Among his many accomplishments, Martin Luther King was a doctor, writer of five published books, a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and at the age of 35 he was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize (1964). The â€Å"I Have A Dream†speech given by Martin Luther King captivated the hearts of individuals supporting the Civil Rights cause. His solutions and ideas were implemented widely and had a huge mpact on rights among the White and Black America. In 1950 King, and the NAACP assisted in the â€Å"Brown v. Board of Education,†in Topeka, Kansas, which led to the acceptance of Black Americans in all White public schools (PBS, 2001). The thousands of marches and protests he led among the United States proved that one man can indeed make a difference. Bill Gates is also a man who made a difference in the Twentieth Century, though his passion in the beginning of his career came strictly from knowledge and intelligence. Gates is described by Who’s Who in the Twentieth Century as a â€Å"US businessman who co-founded Microsoft Corporation, which in the 1980s became the leading computer software producer. †In 2008, Microsoft was, according to this same source, accused of illegal activities, which led to Gates departure at Microsoft (Phillips, 2008). After Microsoft fell through for Gates, he advanced on to study philanthropy, which is a corporation or individual (s) donate to the goodwill of humanity. Bill Gates, still possessing ties with the Microsoft cooperation could do this combining his newfound wealth and his intelligence (Time Magazine, 2008). An article from Think Big Magazine quotes from Time, â€Å"For many years, Microsoft has used corporate philanthropy to bring technology to people who can’t get it otherwise, donating more than $3 billion in cash and software to try to bridge the digital divide†(2008). Martin Luther King and Bill Gates made different, yet important contributions to society. King â€Å"had a dream,†that combined with intelligence and persistence, helped the United States become more accepting toward minority groups. Without his determination, America may not have voted in the first Black president. Bill Gates had a dream as well; however, with his wealth Gates dreams could come true slightly faster than Kings. Gates dream, though it began with computer technology, microchips, and corporate ladder climbing; ended with wealth. Without his innovative approach, technology would not have reached the levels on intensity that it has and continue to do over the years, but the goodwill Gates has done for humanity is very noble. Both men brought a completely different level of critical thinking into the world than the other, which could make comparing and critiquing their work, for some individuals, quite difficult. Martin Luther King and Bill Gates, though from the outside looking in may be individuals who had different agendas, have both made a huge impact on society. The courage Martin Luther King had to stand up for his fellow Black American citizens and is comparable to the strength that Bill Gates has to rise above his initial failure and change himself to better mankind. Both men have offered the Twentieth Century hope for future generations. For an individual to critique the work of either of these men without having put forth any great effort themselves, some may believe is just ignorance and close-mindedness. In a perfect â€Å"dream†world, Martin Luther King and Bill Gates would have collaborated and combined their efforts to achieve a better world. Together their efforts could have been impossible and even more life changing than their work was as individuals. With the wealth of Bill Gates, Martin Luther King may not have had to fight such a battle for freedom, and with the genuine initial compassion as Martin Luther King, Bill Gates may have realized firsthand that his true passion lies within helping humanity. Unfortunately, the time was not meant for them to work as one; however there is hope that future generations will be able to look past White and Black, wealth and poverty, and combine forces to contribute similar, selfless traits just as King and Gates were able to do as individuals. References http://ehistory. osu. edu/world/TimeLineDisplay. cfm? Era_id=16 This Is Not Just’: A Revolution Of Values on the Jericho Road: [CITY Edition] Newsday [Long Island, N. Y] 20 Jan 1992: 58. â€Å"Martin Luther King – Biography†. Nobelprize. rg. October 31, 2011 http://www. nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio. html http://www. nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio. html http://www. pbs. org/kcet/publicschool/innovators/brown. html â€Å"Gates, Bill† World Encyclopedia. Philip’s, 2008. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Apollo Group. October 31, 2011 http://www. thinkbigmagazine. com/mindset/223-billgat es-big-thinker http://topics. nytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/people/g/bill_gates/index. html How to cite Phl 458 Week 4 Individual Assignment Famous Thinkers Paper, Essay examples
Fundamental of Accounting Regulation as Accounting Theory
Question: Describe about the Fundamental of Accounting for Regulation as Accounting Theory. Answer: Actual requirements of the job My job takes the shape of both formal requirements and less formal requirement. Under formal requirement, I will discuss such requirements which are detailed in a position or job description. Under less formal section, I will give detailed description of particular personality characteristics that are significant in my managerial job. I must acknowledge that my job description has been customized to accomplish the needs of the department or function I lead. In my job as a manager, my laymans description is that I am an employee who is responsible for plaining, directing, overseeing operation as well as fiscal health of my business department within the organization I work for. I am responsible for overseeing as well as leading the work of a cohort of employees working in my department. I am also responsible planning and maintaining the work systems, policies alongside procedures which allow and encourage the optimum performance of my people and other resources within my department. Leading people within my department is a central component of my job description. I am also responsible for leadership over a segment of work, functional area and sub-section of the results of the organization within my organization. Primary Objective of my Managerial Job My job requires me to ensure health and safety of the workforce I am required to carry out and attain the mission and goals of the accounts department I am also required to develop a superior workforce within my department I am also required to develop the department I am also expected to develop an employee-oriented company culture which stress quality, continuous improvement, core employee retention and development as well as high performance I am also required to ensure personal ongoing development My Primary Responsibilities I am required to plan staffing levels within the department I am required to work with the HR staff to recruit, interview, select, hire as well as employ requited number of employees in my department I am required to provide to oversight as well as direction to the workers in the operating unit according to the procedures and policies of the organization I am also needed to coach, mentor as well as develop staff by overseeing new employee onboarding as well as provision of career development planning besides opportunities I am also responsible for empowering employees to take responsibility for their jobs as well as goals by delegating responsibility ad expecting accountability and frequent feedback I am responsible for fostering a spirit of teamwork as well as unity among the members of the department which allows for disagreement over ideas, conflict as well as expeditious resolution of conflicts alongside diversity, supportiveness and cohesiveness appreciation and effectively working together to permit individual employee and the department as whole to succeed I am also required to consciously establish a working culture which is consistent with the entire organization as well that which stress the acknowledged mission, vision, values as well as guiding principles I am also expected to maintain transparent communication by appropriately conveying the information of the organization via the department meetings, emails, IM, one-on-one meetings as well as regular interpersonal communication I am also required to provide effective performance feedback via worker recognition, disciplinary action as well as rewards with the help of Human Resource where applicable I am also required to lead employees to accomplish the expectations of the organization for productivity, goal and quality accomplishment I am also responsible for leading employees by utilizing the performance management as well as developing process which give an overal context as well as framework to promote employees contribution as well as include the goal setting, feedback as well as performance development planning My Managerial Job Requirement (formal and less formal) I am required to have knowledge and experience in business, management and supervision I am required to have knowledge of the functions, mission and operation of accounting department I am required to have above average written as well as spoken communication skills I am also required to showcase outstanding impersonal relationship building as well as employee development and coaching skills I am required to have management experience in a team-focused workplace I am expected to demonstrate ability to lead as well as develop a department alongside department staff members I am required to demonstrate knowledge of basic economic, accounting, budgeting practices and principles I am also required to demonstrate ability to serve as a knowledgeable resource to the management team of the organization which provide leadership direction I am required to show excellence in organization management skills I am required to show evidence of the ability to practice a high degree of confidentiality I am also required to have a general knowledge of different employment laws as well as practice besides employee relations Individuals or groups from inside and/or outside I am required to interact with various individuals and group from both outside and inside the organization who are important to my job. These people include staff (different categories), my supervisor, peers, customers, regulators and shareholders. Internally, I always interact with junior accountants (Mr. Tom, Mrs. Dawes and Mr. Duke) and my deputy, MR. Smith to plan our daily activities. We must hold a departmental meetings daily before we begin our work from where I get various feedbacks based on performance of the previous day. Also, I internally interact with Mr. Martin (the HRM) where we plan on how to recruit member in my staff. Mr. Martin has also been my mentor in the organization and I always interact with him for guidance when faced with issues. I am also in constant interaction with Mr. Clint, the Finance Manager since my Accounting Department works closely with his department. Sometime I even ask him for his members of staff when I have more work to do the department. I also internally deal with type-setters when I want to produce documents for meetings. The type-setters have also been essential as they assist my department to type Memos and even financial statements. I have also been dealing with receptionist, Mrs. Irene mostly when there is a message that I want her to pass to my members of department when I am leaving the organization for official duties. Externally, I have been in constant interaction with the shareholders of the company where I always update them on the financial performance and position of the company. One of the key shareholder, Mr. Farooq has been a frequent guest to my officers since he is so much concerned about the progress of the organization. I have always helped him understand the financial statement of the organization. I have also been interacting mostly with the Board of Directors where we always get their views about the organization performance and ask them for change of strategies and policies to boost performance. I also interact with auditors both at the point of hiring as well as during the audit where they always keep me posted and even ask me for supply of other documents for effective audit. Principle Characteristics The principle characteristics of the groups and individuals I interact with can be done on the basis of formal organizational position, demographics (age, gender, personality, pattern of interactions). These characteristic are very essential in enabling me fulfil my work. To begin with, I do interact with two auditors (Mr. Ken aged 35 and Mrs. Doris aged 40). These auditors have been so useful in my work since they have always helped acknowledge the errors and frauds committed during the preparation of financial reports. I have managed to correct such errors and omission through these two auditors. My deputy is a male aged 26 years and he always interact with me to give me the feedbacks on delegated duties. The shareholders especially Mr. Farooq is a lovely old man aged 66 and he is a committed person whole loves success. Our pattern of interaction is basically on strategies and policies to enhance the performance of the organization. The board of directors interact with me based on the need to explain the performances of the company. The HR Manager, Mr. Martin is aged 56 and a determined individual. He is a key figure in the organization since he acts as guidance and counselor to me. The finance manager, Mr. Clint is so instrumental to the organization and we basically interact due the organizational position we hold. Nature of the Interdependency My interaction with the auditors help me to acknowledge the errors and frauds committed by the junior accountants either intentionally or unintentionally and hence make me have clear financial position and performance of the organization. I expect that auditors undertake their work independently without any interferences whatsoever from the company so to report the actual position and performance of the company. The auditors expect me to furnish them without all the necessary information and data as well as support to enable them undertake effective work. They also expect me to ensure their independence so as to minimize interference that my make them vulnerable and liable to the junior accountants. I rely on my junior accountants to help in the preparation of budgets and financial statements. I expect these accountants to undertake their work with honesty without committing any errors and frauds that may see them benefit at the expense of the shareholders. My juniors expect me to give the leadership and direction they need so as to work as a teamwork and also ensure their welfare. I rely on the shareholders especially Mr. Farooq and the board of directors to come up with strategies and policies that support the accomplishment of the firms objectives. I expect the board of directors to give me a conducive environment by making better policies that clearly define my roles as account department manager so as to avoid overlap of duties. In return, the board and the shareholder expect me to ensure that their interest is given the priority by effectively implementing their strategies and the policies passed by them during the meetings. I rely on my deputy to ensure that I get all the feedbacks on a daily basis based on the performance of the department including the complaints and opportunities that help me enrich our department. I expect my duty to stand in for me and accept the responsibilities I delegate to him and perform them with utmost good faith. In return my deputy expect me to give a conducive environment for work by acknowledging his position and delegate him work with full authority. I rely on the finance manager mainly since our departments have overlapping functions. I expect the finance manager to chip in any time I seek for his indulges plus his department. In return he also expect me to always be there for him if he needs my services. I rely on the receptionist especially when I have visitors she always give the direction to my office and also when I have some information to pass to my juniors I always leave the memo with her. I expect her to pass my messages and direct my guest to me accordingly whereas she experts me to give her the respect she deserve as she performs her duties. The printing department especially the type-setters are helpful when I ask them to type memos and even financial reports. I expect them to this in good time and without errors while they expect me to give them clear instructions to guide them so as to eliminate errors. Diagrammatic representation Interdependencies Evaluate the Interdependent Effectiveness and Efficiency The interdependent shown above has been so effective and efficient in helping the organization become satisfied for among all stakeholders. My relationship with every stakeholder as presented in the diagram above shows a give and take framework. Each and every stakeholder as presented above expects something from as I expect too. This framework has created teamwork in my department which is also manifested in the entire organization (Aisbitt, 2002). The result for this is the increased performance of accounts department giving the shareholder and assurance to invest more and more in the organization. Recommendations The central recommendation to boost the satisfaction of every stakeholder above is redesign the structure and work routine of organization so as to imitate the one in my department which has proved satisfactory. By having the entire organization imitating the same interdependent structure above, there will be increased collaboration in the organization (Unegbu, 2014). This collaboration would mean a harmonious working relationships which enhances the entire firm productivity. References Aisbitt, S., (2002). Tax and accounting rules: some recent developments. European Business Review, 14(2), pp.92-97. Bloomfield, R., Rennekamp, K. And Kadous, K., (2010). Experimental Research in Financial Reporting: From the Laboratory to the Virtual World. The Accounting Review, 85(4), pp.1473-1474. Boulus, P. and Dowding, K., (2014). The press and issue framing in the Australian mining tax debate. Australian Journal of Political Science, 49(4), pp.694-710. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
Family System in Pakistan free essay sample
Family system in Pakistan Generally, family system in every country will vary depending upon their culture and style of living. If you are dearly interested to know the family system in Pakistan, then continue reading to know the crispy information! Here, people conceive the traditional and cultural family values and they give good respect considering them as divinity and sacredness. Urban family system has been developed as nuclear family system, due to the socioeconomic confinements inflicted by the customary joint family system.In Pakistan, the joint family system is quite usually found. Joint family usually comprises father, mother, children, grand father and mother, and they live together with their people in the same family unit. Moreover, the governing male of the house will play a significant role with respect to the well-being of his family unit. Also, they give a good care and take the responsibility to guard their grandparents. Above all, they respect their folks and grandparents! People in Pakistan dearly follow the joint family system and live their life along with their folks. We will write a custom essay sample on Family System in Pakistan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Conversely in the recent years, urbanization has directed to the alterations and amendments in the existing family system, in larger cities. Moreover, the realism of urbanization will make the social units living together to get less exerted and large nuclear group. This method of practice will commonly be practiced and determined in developing countries. As known well that Karachi is the biggest city in Pakistan, the city has observed and on-looked the most avid impingement of urbanization.Also, people can clearly get to know and study the comparable variations in the family system. When considering the elder people in Pakistan, they usually stick with their offspring or grandchildren to get a complete support and care. They rely and depend on their people to get their assistance and support in all aspects such as physical, social and financial wellbeing. Giving physical and emotional support is quite usual in joint family system! It has been declared that urbanization will probably dilapidate and crumble the family care to their elder people. Moreover, urbanization will also drop-off the care of the growing children with their elders. The situation will become really troublesome for the elder people living in a nuclear family. Elder people can live without any troubles or risk, when they reside in a joint family. Individuals who closely stick in joint family will respect their elders and give them support in all possible ways. Joint family is absolutely good as living separate without your people will bring quite several difficulties.Urbanization and its growth tend to promote the growth of the nuclear family and moreover it abates the care and support to the elder people in the family. People in Pakistan are greatly trilingual and most of the people living here are Muslims. They give much respect to their customs and traditions and they closely follow the worth-taking family values. You could see most people living as joint family group along with their people and folks, whereas some other group of people lives as nuclear family. People living as nuclear family will take care of their spouse and offset.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
A Comparison School life in Japan and Australia free essay sample
This paper analyzes school life both in Japan and Australia, taking a look at obvious cultural and social differences, but also inherent similarities between the two education systems. Education and school life throughout the world varies quite dramatically; from the subjects taught, to the methods of teaching and even what expectations are put on the students in general. Students within these two countries share similarities in lifestyle, however when it comes to school life, there is a considerable degree of difference.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Research Paper on Stress in the Workplace
Research Paper on Stress in the Workplace Research Paper on Stress in the Workplace This is a free example research paper on Stress in the Workplace: Introduction I am compiling this report, due to the low morale in the office. This low morale may be due to stress and could be affecting the company in terms of stress leading to a poor performance in employees. Stress is more commonly found in women and as this company employs sixty eight percent women; stress is a factor that needs to be made aware to the company. The basis of this report are from three articles related to stress, including women and stress, Health hazards à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" looking at stress, and monitor screens and work related stress. I believe that stress is directly affecting the company and this report will look at some ways to eliminate stress. Findings Stress in women Research shows that women are more likely to be affected by stress than men. In fact four times as many women suffer from stress than men. This may be due to a number of reasons, for example due to a heavy work load, meeting deadlines and then out of work many women have a family to take care of, leaving little time for leisure. Stress does not only affect women though, men also get stress in the similar way. Forms of stress Stress can be categorised into three groups based on the severity of it. They are as follows: Mild stress: This stress is a common form of stress and should not really be worried about. It is not harmful to ones health, and can also be beneficial as it can be a challenge for the employee, to reach the target on time with a slight pressure. This form of stress is very common in a company. Acute stress: This is a more serious form of stress, and can in some cases affect ones health. This form of stress can be triggered by divorce, termination of employment, and bereavement as well as other reasons. The stress is build up from mild stress, and can leave an individual feeling as though demands and deadlines cannot be met. Chronic stress: The most serious form of stress is chronic stress, as stress can build up to a point where an individual can no longer cope, seriously affecting their health and work. Examples of this kind of stress can be due to family problems, health problems or work related problems. Over a period of time stress can affect people more seriously, in a non work related way. These forms of stress are psychologically and physiologically. Psychological problems may be feelings of guilt, resentfulness, loss of confidence and sense of perspective. Basically mental problems due to the build up of stress, people find it hard to cope with problems of work and home and this can in extreme cases lead to a nervous breakdown. Whereas physiological problems are health problems such as high blood pressure, fatigue, digestive troubles, insomnia etc. One in four people in the UK die of heart disease, many of which were stress related cases. So companies need to do something to reduce stress in the office as they are often to blame for high levels of stress amongst employees. Sitting in front a computer monitor all day can cause damaging effects to health. For example headaches, eye strain, epilepsy and an increased risk of miscarriage. A computer monitor is not entirely to blame for these health risks, it is a mixture of other factors due to an unhealthy environment. Poor lighting in an office can also lead to eye strain, chairs that do not provide enough back support can lead to back pains. Although some of these health hazards seem to be rather extreme, it is medically proven that a flickering screen can trigger an epileptic fit. Also working in unsatisfactory surrounds whilst pregnant, can lead to complications at birth. Effects of stress on a company Stress can affect a company badly, stress related illnesses account for four and five percent of absences among both men and women. The employee cannot work to their full potential when under stress, deadlines can be missed, absences rise leading to a bigger work load for the employee when they return to work. Companies can lose out in terms of profitability due to underperforming at work leading to problems within the company. Conclusion Companies can be blamed for high levels of stress within the office, this has been stated in this report. There are ways to lower the levels of stress in a company and they are as follows. Employees with low job satisfaction often are poorly paid with few job promotion prospects. Company managers often fail to acknowledge their staff for their hard work which may lead to depression for the employee. If a employer recognises their employees work more and offer more promotion prospects, even an increase in an employees salary would help relieve stress in the office. Staff recognition is the key to every company, staff work better if their work is praised as they believe that they are a valued member of the company. Recognition may be verbal, where an employer simply praises their work verbally, or a promotion for the employee. Even staff events show that the manager cares about his staff, rather than the usual Christmas party more events out of work should be organised. If more recognition was shown to staff at Terra Firma then employee stress would be lowered and employees would perform better at work. Redesigning jobs can also help, for example if employees take more breaks from the computer monitor to reduce headaches and eye strain, even performing other jobs away from the computer monitor every so often will minimise these health risks. Companies can also employ a stress councillor to help relieve stress from the employees, as this would not only benefit the employee health, but employees may perform better in their jobs, leading to better productivity and more profits for the company. If all or some of these suggestions were practised in Terra Firma then the company would certainly benefit, leading to a smooth running company, with fewer problems and low stress levels.
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